Best Weight Loss Foods- The Ultimate Guide from Nutrition

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Your weight loss journey becomes soothing and easy when you get the right guidance about it. There are certain factors that play a vital role in your weight loss journey. The right diet is one of the major factors which helps you to lose those extra inches suitably. 

As there are various diet options available in the market, it makes the search for the best weight-loss foods difficult for many. If you are on your journey towards a healthy lifestyle and a toned body, then this ultimate nutrition guide is going to help you a lot. 

According to research, a healthy diet can help you leave various health disorders behind. It’s important to add fresh, homemade, and unprocessed food to your diet to fight back against obesity. So, without further ado let’s have a look at the best weight-loss foods which you can add to your daily diet. 

Natural and Best Weight Loss Food Options

In order to lose weight, one needs to eat right. In order to reach your goals, you need to eat low-calorie, high-nutrient foods. You can lose weight and reduce obesity with these weight-loss foods.

1. Green-leafy vegetables

The most natural source of nutrition which can keep you full for longer and can help you lose weight faster is green leafy vegetables. According to various research, green leafy vegetables like fenugreek, mustard leaves, drumstick leaves, and spinach, are optimum options to promote weight loss. 

You can make various types of salads and recipes by using green leafy vegetables. It is proven that green leafy vegetables are high in fiber, and contain high amounts of antioxidants, and essential minerals, which altogether give you a feeling of fullness. 

2. Eggs

As we all know that protein is an essential nutrient that is required in adequate amounts when you are following a weight-loss diet. A large boiled egg contains 6.3 grams of protein, 77 calories, and 5.3 grams of total fat. It is found to be one of the healthiest diet options for weight loss. You can eat it by boiling it, by making an omelet, or by making various other dishes. It keeps you full for longer and hence saves you from overeating. 

3. Chicken Breast

Another major source of protein that can help you massively in your weight loss diet, is chicken breast. A 100-gram raw skinless boneless breast contains approx 22.5 grams of protein, 120 calories, and 2.62 grams of fat. Chicken breast is full of healthy fat and protein. Adding chicken breast to your daily diet will help you to fulfill your protein intake and hence to lose weight accordingly. 

4. Nuts

This is another natural and nutritious option that one can add to his/her diet as a brilliant snacking option. Various healthy nuts such as pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, are rich sources of protein and omega-3 fats. It promotes weight loss and keeps you satisfied for those longer gaps between your main diets. It’s also proven that nuts like pistachios help to lower blood pressure and healthy weight loss. 

5. Fruits

There are fruits like papaya, bananas, oranges, apples, and pears that are found to be some of the best fruits for healthy and appropriate weight loss. You can add these fruits to your diet as a snacking meal, or mid-meal snack, to avoid junk when you have those extra cravings. It is also said that fiber-rich foods and fruits promote weight loss and boost metabolism. Adding fruits to your diet can also help you to get those extra amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

6. Fish

A perfectly cooked fish is another optimum and efficient option for weight loss. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and various healthy nutrients. You can make various dishes and recipes with it by using less oil. Fish provides the right amount of iodine and is hence is denoted as a perfect source of energy in your weight loss journey. 

The bottom line

Yes, you can lose weight fast, easily, and permanently if you’re consistent and motivated. To stay away from junk food and packaged foods, you must make up your mind to stay away from them. It is essential that you consume homemade and natural foods while staying active throughout the day. 

Each individual must understand that diet plays a very important and major role in their weight loss journey. Depending on what you eat, it can all make a difference. You can easily lose excess weight by eating healthy, drinking enough water, and staying active throughout the day. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid various chronic diseases, it is important to eat a healthy diet.

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